War mal wieder eine tolle MMC 🙂
Dieses Mal mit Highland Games.

Tani and Nightfox where throwing a great New Year party at Haus Laer again.
The party and especially the food was fantastic again.
Lots of DX lights, DJ deck, Slushie machine, …
Sadly I had my good camera and a great flash…but forgot to pack batteries for the flash.
Luckily Khaki made incredibly photos and so did Tioh and Martini Snowfox.
There was lots of food left over and it was packaged up but the guy who fetched the silverware the next morning threw it all away.
(Also Cheetah’s car wouldn’t start the next day due to CAN bus issues.)
This year we could have a Furry8000 party at Cheetah’s place again.
Great, small party to forget work before Christmas.
The radio show was funny as hell.
I think I had a few too many self-baked cookies with me 🙂
Mal wieder H-Con und wieder mit Suit-Walk.
Dieses Mal sind mir echt gute Photos der Feuer-Show gelungen.
Ansonsten eher nicht das Event um viele Photos zu machen.
I made some 2D photos on Picasa/Google+
After a long time we had a Suitwalk in Freiburg again.
Near the end we encountered a marriage ceremony. They liked us and the catering team invited us over when we had changed.
Afterwards there was camping and Barbecue outside town.
I made some 2D photos on Picasa/Google+
As always this time of the year…. Eurofurence.
Not much to see for me as it was mostly work both as staff and dealer.
I made some 2D photos on Picasa/Google+
Had a great party.
Lots of food, good company, lots of fun with lab coats and portal guns,
laser tubes and cool vintage electronics.
Good music too!
I really enjoy these parties Zefiro is throwing. 🙂
No Virtual Reality this time and no crank operated lazorrr.
I made some 2D photos on Picasa/Google+
Und noch ein paar 2D Photos auf Picasa/Google+
May… MMC time.
The last event to spent some relaxing time with friends before all the last Eurofurence-preparations start taking over.
This year we had very nice lights installed outside the castle.
I made some 2D photos on Picasa/Google+